PRP Vampire Facial


Vampire Facial

Using PRP the Vampire Facial is a treatment where platelets rich growth factors are harnessed to improve the quality, texture and tone of your skin. The Vampire Facial is a great treatment for acne scarring, correcting skin texture and hyperpigmentation. PRP is combined with microneedling to allow us to drive isolated growth factors back into the skin. This creates a stimulus for tightening and rejuvenation of the collagen in the face.


Vampire Facial is done in 3 steps, isolating PRP from your blood with a simple blood draw, micro-needling to create micro-punctures on your skin and re-absorption of PRP.


There are very few risks with PRP as it is derived from your own body’s growth factors. Down time is minimal and you are free to resume daily activities after 24 hours.


The procedure helps to tighten skin. There is improved elastin and collagen production in 4-6 weeks; followed by improved overall texture and tone of the skin.


Stimulating, tightening and rejuvenation of collagen in the face. Improved elastin and collagen production in the skin decrease the appearance of aging.

Celebrity Makeover

Cosmetic fillers can boost confidence and improve self-esteem in patients who want to rejuvinate their skin.

Age Defying Results

Botox treatment can alleviate wrinkles, lines and folds in the hands, neck and other areas non-surgically without any downtime.

Improve Health of Skin

More women are opting for injectible facial fillers to reduce the signs of aging and repeated muscle contraction.

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